This process is build similarly to the LM-Aff-Mic-ARCH, but the historical volatilities are computed using aggregated returns. The time structure of the process is the same, with τk defined as a geometric series. The historical volatilities are defined by:
The return at the time scale lkδt is the usual price difference, scaled from the time horizon lkδt to the time horizon δt using a random walk hypothesis. In this way, all returns r[lkδt] and volatilities σk are related to the same fundamental scale δt.The effective volatility is defined as for the LM-Aff-Mic-ARCH model. This process has been introduced in Zumbach [2004].
The simulation uses a power law decay for the coefficients, with parameters:
The innovations have a Student distribution with 3.3 degree of freedom. The simulation time corresponds to 200 years with a time increment δt = 3 minutes.