Market Affine Aggregated ARCH process with MA

This process is build similarly to the Mkt-Aff-Agg-ARCH with EMA, but the historical volatilities are computed with a more ”rectangular” moving average instead of the simple EMA. The moving average is defined by a set of iterated exponential moving averages, as defined in Zumbach and Müller [2001].

For a time series z, a recursive definition of an iterated EMA[τ,n] of order n is

EMA  [τ,n;z ] = EMA [τ;EMA   [τ,n - 1; z]]

with EMA[τ, 1; z] = EMA[τ; z] the usual exponential moving average. The MA operator is defined so as to have a more rectangular kernel

MA  [τ,m ] =   -1 ∑   EMA  [τ ′,j]                                  (2)
         ′     ---2--
        τ  =   m  + 1 τ.
The characteristic time τis set so that the memory length of the MA operator is τ (the memory length is defined as the first moment of the kernel, see Zumbach and Müller [2001]). The parameters m control the shape of the kernel, and m = 32 give an almost rectangular kernel.

For the aggregated version of this model, the historical returns r[lkδt] are measured on a set of time steps lk. The historical volatilities are computed with MAs for a corresponding set of time horizons τk

 2                    2
σk = MA  [τk,m; r[lkδt]]     k = 1,⋅⋅⋅,n,

with lk and τk taken as process parameters. The effective variance is a convex combination of the mean variance and of the historical variances with weights given by χk, as for the multicomponent ARCH processes. This process has been introduced in Zumbach and Lynch [2001] and Lynch and Zumbach [2003].

For the simulation, 4 components are used, corresponding to the intra-day, daily, weekly and monthly horizons. The lags for computing the returns r[lkδt] are 1, 40, 80 and 672 steps (on the grid given by δt). The characteristic time spans τk of the EMAs are 0.06, 0.7, 3.5 and 14 days. The remaining parameters are:

The innovations have a Student distribution with 3.5 degree of freedom. The simulation time corresponds to 200 years with a time increment δt = 3 minutes.


   Paul Lynch and Gilles Zumbach. Market heterogeneities and the causal structure of the volatility. Quantitative Finance, 3:320–331, 2003.

   Gilles Zumbach and Paul Lynch. Heterogeneous volatility cascade in financial markets. Physica A, 298(3-4):521–529, September 2001.

   Gilles Zumbach and Ulrich A. Müller. Operators on inhomogeneous time series. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 4(1): 147–178, 2001.