Market Affine Aggregated ARTCH (Mkt-Aff-Agg-ARTCH) with MA
The process is identical to Mkt-Aff-Agg-ARCH process, but with a trend term for each volatility component.
The processs contains 5 components, with the corresponding 5 trend terms. The
parameters for the simulation are
σ∞ = 0.11
w∞ = 0.113
τk = {0.06, 0.7, 3.5, 14, 30} day.
The lags in the returns for computing the volatilities σk are lk =
{1, 40, 80, 480, 480} on the 3’ grid.
The volatility coefficients are χk = {0.50, 0.18, 0.11, 0.07, 0.14}
The order for the moving average is m = 4.
The lags in the returns for computing the trend terms are lk =
{20, 480, 3360, 14000, 28000} on the 3’ grid.
The coefficients for the trend terms are
θk = {0.015, 0.0006, 0.00007, 0.00003, 0.0000015}
The innovations have a Student distribution with 3.5 degree of freedom. The
simulation time corresponds to 200 years with a time increment δt = 3