Constant volatility with normal innovations |
Constant volatility with Student innovations |
GARCH(1,1) |
EGARCH(1,1) |
Long Memory Affine Microscopic ARCH |
Long Memory Affine Aggregated ARCH (param.set 1) |
Long Memory Affine Aggregated ARCH (param.set 2) |
Long Memory Affine Pure Aggregated ARCH (param.set 1) |
Long Memory Affine Pure Aggregated ARCH (param.set 2) |
Market-component Affine Aggregated ARCH with EMA |
Market-component Affine Aggregated ARCH with MA |
Market-component Affine Microscopic ARCH with MA |
GARTCH(1,1) |
Long Memory Affine Microscopic ARTCH |
Long Memory Affine Aggregated ARTCH (param.set 1) |
Long Memory Affine Aggregated ARTCH (param.set 2) |
Market-component Affine Microscopic ARTCH with MA |
GARCH(1,1) with SV mean |
Long Memory Affine Aggregated ARCH with SV mean |
multiplicative GARCH(1,1) |
multiplicative Long Memory Affine Microscopic ARCH |
Exponential 1 component stoch.vol |
Exponential long-memory stoch.vol |
Exponential long-memory stoch.vol (indep.comp.) |
Heston stoch.vol. with Gaussian residues |
Heston stoch.vol. with Student residues |
Long memory Heston stoch.vol. |
Regime switching with 2 states |
Regime switching with 3 states |
Minority Game |